Improving efficiency in powder handling through advanced transfer system.

Applications and Benefits of a Powder Conveying System.

Powder conveying systems are vital for efficiently transporting powdered or granular materials in various industries like food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, plastics, mining, cosmetics, and agriculture. These systems offer benefits such as improved efficiency, precise dosing, enhanced safety by reducing spillage and dust exposure, cost-effectiveness through labor savings and reduced wastage, flexibility to handle different materials and production needs, easy integration with automation, and environmental advantages like reduced dust emissions and better workplace cleanliness.

Powder Conveying systems has become one of the most economical and effective methods of transfer of material. In a granulation line, all the individual process equipment like Granulators, Fluid Bed Driers Processors, Milling, and Sifting machines, and most importantly Blenders, need to be charged, discharged, and subsequently conveyed to the successive machines in line.

Powder conveying systems are truly versatile, able to handle a wide range of dry bulk materials across numerous sectors. Their core function is to reliably transfer these materials between different pieces of processing equipment within a production line. Let’s take a closer look at some key industrial applications:

1.Pharmaceutical Manufacturing:
Precision and cleanliness are critical in pharma production. Powder conveying systems play an important role by gently transferring materials like:

  • Active drug ingredients
  • Excipients
  • Granular and powdered formulations

They convey these sensitive materials between equipment like granulators, coaters, dryers, mills, blenders, and tableting machines. The enclosed transfer minimizes dust exposure and contamination risks.

2.Food Production:
Maintaining product integrity is essential in food manufacturing. Conveying systems handle a variety of dry ingredients like:

  • Grains and seeds
  • Powdered mixes and blends
  • Seasoning powders
  • Sugar and salt

They transfer these materials between processes like milling, mixing, coating, drying, and packaging – all while preventing outside contamination.

2.Chemical Processing:
Chemical Processing For hazardous or sensitive chemical powders and granules, these systems provide a safe, contained transfer solution. Common applications include conveying:

  • Plastic pellets and resins
  • Pigments and dyes
  • Catalyst powders
  • Proppants for fracking

Their ability to gently convey materials helps preserve product quality.

Here are some key benefits of powder transfer systems:

Enclosed, Dust-Free Transfer One of the biggest advantages is that powder transfer systems provide an enclosed, dust-tight conveying solution. The materials being transferred remain fully contained within the system, preventing any product loss or dust exposure. This is especially important when handling hazardous, potent, or sensitive materials like pharmaceuticals or certain chemicals.

Gentle Product Handling These systems are designed to convey bulk solids gently, minimizing any degradation or attrition of the material. The conveying air stream handles the product carefully, preserving characteristics like particle size and integrity. This makes them ideal for fragile or friable materials.

Contamination Prevention With an enclosed design, the risk of outside contamination from the surrounding environment is very low. The product stream is fully sealed off from potential contaminants like dust, moisture, or other foreign materials that could negatively impact quality.

Easy Cleaning/Purging Powder conveying systems feature smooth interior surfaces that allow full purging between product transfers. This makes cleaning efficient and simplifies product changeovers, reducing downtime. Some systems even incorporate clean-in-place (CIP) capabilities.

Precision Control Advanced control systems give operators the ability to tightly control and monitor product transfer rates. This level of precision ensures accurate feed rates to downstream equipment for optimal process control.

Compact Design Compared to other conveying methods like screw augers or bucket elevators, these systems have a relatively small footprint. Their simple design with flexible routing makes them easy to integrate into existing process lines.


Powder conveying systems have become a cornerstone of efficient and safe material handling across a multitude of industries. Their ability to precisely transfer a wide range of dry, bulk materials while minimizing dust and product degradation makes them an invaluable asset. From the delicate world of pharmaceuticals to the large-scale production of food and chemicals, these systems offer a compelling blend of benefits.

If you’re looking to optimize your material handling processes, improve product quality, and ensure a cleaner work environment, then a powder conveying system might be the perfect solution. With their versatility, efficiency, and focus on safety, these systems are poised to continue revolutionizing powder and granular material transfer for years to come.

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Conical mixer and dryer with stainless steel finish, ideal for blending and drying powders and granules efficiently.

Understanding the Working Principle of a Conical Mixer Dryer

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial manufacturing, Chemiplant Engineering Company stands tall as a beacon of innovation and quality. With a journey spanning four decades under the visionary leadership of Mr. Ved Kalra, the company has continually expanded its horizons, enriching its arsenal with new and innovative process equipment. Among its stellar offerings, the Mixer-Dryer emerges as a versatile solution, finding applications across a myriad of industries. Let’s delve deeper into the working principle of the Conical Mixer Dryer and unravel its significance in modern manufacturing processes.

Application Spectrum: Chemiplant’s Mixer-Dryer finds extensive utility in an array of industries, including chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, confectionery, cement, detergents, chocolates, electronics, and automobiles. Its versatility extends to operations under atmospheric, pressure, or vacuum conditions.


  • Polymeric Reaction
  • Reactions under a blanket of inert gas
  • Extraction from plants & herbs
  • Decaffeination of coffee
  • Alkalyzing of cocoa
  • Removal of solvents with high boiling points from powders
  • Preparation & de-aeration of pastes and creams

Product Description: The Conical Mixer-Dryer comprises a conical chamber with an orbiting arm and a rotating screw element. This unique design facilitates efficient mixing and higher heat transfer coefficients, resulting in reduced drying times. The discharge of the product occurs through the bottom of the cone, ensuring seamless operation.

Advantages of Conical Mixer-Dryer

  • Efficient mixing action and high heat transfer area due to the combined action of the screw and revolving arm.
  • Versatility in performing various processes such as mixing, drying, homogenizing, de-aeration, extraction, and reactions.
  • Simple and fast loading & discharge of product.
  • Compact design requiring low floor space compared to horizontal dryers.
  • Suitable for heat-sensitive products due to low product temperature.
  • Energy-efficient with low power consumption.
  • Environmental and operator safety ensured through totally enclosed operation.
  • Large working capacities ranging up to 30KL.

Materials: Standard models are constructed from various grades of Stainless Steel such as SS316/SS316L and SS304/SS304L. Exotic metals like Hastelloy, Monel, Inconel, etc., can also be supplied based on specific requirements.

Pilot Mixer & Dryer: For pilot plants and small-scale productions, Chemiplant offers the SA-Pilot Dry Mixer, a mobile and compact solution equipped with necessary instruments, PLC, and HMI. With batch capacities ranging from 30L to 165L, it facilitates easy scale-up and operations.


In conclusion, the Conical Mixer Dryer epitomizes Chemiplant Engineering Company’s commitment to delivering efficient and versatile process equipment. Its unique design, coupled with advanced features and materials, ensures seamless operation across various industries. By understanding the working principle of this equipment, manufacturers can harness its capabilities to optimize production processes, enhance product quality, and achieve greater efficiency in today’s competitive market landscape.

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